Signed in as:
Signed in as:
We have been proud to call Platte City home since 2008! We love our community and serve families from Weston, Dearborn, Smithville, Leavenworth, and Kansas City. We proudly support arts education in our community through the Platte County High School Music & Theatre Department, Friends of the Fine Arts, and Weston Community Theatre. We are proud members of our local Chambers of Commerce and Pirate Rock Star Sponsors for our local school district.
Provide a fun & professional dance training in a well-rounded education in dance.
Provide experiences to learn self-esteem, personal achievement, and creative play.
Provide recreational and competitive performance opportunities.
Teach teamwork, good sportsmanship, and social confidence with classmates.
Promote healthy bodies, healthy minds, and healthy spirit
We have created a family atmosphere that has instilled a sense of belonging and safety for our students and their families, both current and past.
We offer small class sizes which allow students to receive specialized instruction in a safe, personal environment.
We have very low teacher to student ratios which allows us to give each student the private attention needed to grow.
Our instructors teach from a set curriculum that is based on a strong foundation of dance and movement basics: coordination, flexibility, and strength.
We focus each of our classes on foundational techniques, skill building and comprehension, and fun!
We are currently offering discounts from 20-50% for students who take multiple classes or families with multiple students.
Please check with us to see what tuition discounts we can offer your family!
- If your family is enrolled in a full 9 month season, your tuition is broken up into 9 equal installments, due September through May. If your family is enrolled in a summer or mini session your tuition is set accordingly. There will be no tuition adjustments for holidays, scheduled breaks, student absences, or early dismissal from a class. All tuition will be paid by auto-draft from a checking account, savings account, or credit card.
- There will be a $10 late fee added for any accounts with a past due balance. This includes accounts that are not able to be processed due to insufficient funds or incorrect account information.
- Because we have a very low staff to student ratios in our classes, we require a 30 day notice for a student to be dropped from a class. This assures your student receives high quality instruction and safe, age and skill appropriate class placement.
- Please call the studio if a student will be missing a class or private lesson. Dancers and Tumblers are allowed (but not required) to make up the lesson at another class within one month of the absence. This make up class will be scheduled with the office. No refunds or credits will be given for missed classes. Intermediate and Advanced Level dancers with physical injuries are requested to observe class, as techniques and routines can be learned and reinforced by observation.
- Please pick up a calendar at the studio for a yearly schedule of classes. In case of inclement weather, we do our very best to make cancellations that are absolutely necessary to keep our families safe. We will post any class cancellations on our website and send emails to each family at least 3 hours prior to the first class that day. We do try to updated the phone recording and use social media when able. Classes will not be canceled for teacher in-service days, parent teacher conferences, or presidents’ birthdays.
- Parents and friends are not allowed in our studio rooms without an invitation from the instructor. Please help us teach our students to respect our studio spaces by not allowing them to play in them between classes. Parents are welcome to watch their students from the viewing windows in the lobby, but as most students show a greater level of concentration and awareness when not performing for their parents, we encourage you to limit your viewing.
- There will be NO food or drink, other than water, allowed in the studio rooms- No Exceptions! Students may bring a water bottle with them to class. Food and drink should be kept in the lobby and disposed of properly in trashcans.
- Please do not leave young children unsupervised in the lobby or parking lot. Children and students will not be allowed to run around in the lobby, and MUST be supervised at all times! With all the traffic through the lobby each day, it is for everyone’s safety that the lobby remain a calm and safe environment. You are welcome to leave during your student’s class time, but please wait with your young students (those under 10 years of age) until class begins and be in the lobby when it dismisses. Older students should not be dropped off or picked up more than 15 minutes before or after class begins or ends. For the safety of your children, students will not be allowed to wait outside the building.
By accepting this enrollment, I understand that there is potential for injury with participation in any sport or physical activity, including classes at Lone Wolf Studios LLC and Beatniks Dance. While its’ owners, instructors, and assistants will make every reasonable effort to eliminate potential for injury, injuries may still occur. I understand this risk and agree to hold Lone Wolf Studios LLC and Beatniks Dance, its owners, instructors and assistants harmless from any and all liability connected with any injury arising out of the participation in dance or tumbling classes, private instruction, or performances both in and outside of the studio.
By accepting this enrollment, I accept a photo, video, and media release to Lone Wolf Studios LLC and Beatniks Dance, its’ owners, instructors, and assistants for my student. I give permission for photographs, videos of my student to be taken during group classes, rehearsals, competitions, social events and recitals, to be used for advertising or promotional material. I give permission for such photographs to be copyrighted for Lone Wolf Studios LLC and Beatniks Dance or for Jeremy and Katie Whorton, owners.
By accepting this agreement, I agree to the above stated financial contract. I understand my account will be charged for monthly tuition for a 9 month season until I provide a written notice 30 days prior to my next draft. I understand that my delinquent account will be assessed a late fee of $10 on the 10th of each month, unless I have made prior arrangements with the office.
By accepting this enrollment, I have read, understand and will abide by the studios policies and procedures, including tuition payments and the dress code for my student.